Heart Camp
Read Below to Learn More
Heart disease affects approximately 1 percent of all children born in the United States. As a result, many children with heart conditions feel isolated. Heart Camp helps children and adolescents with heart disease feel less alone and creates community by introducing them to other children and adults like themselves.
Each year, more than 150 children ages 8–17 with heart conditions attend Heart Camp. Camp provides them with an opportunity to participate in sports and other camp activities to the best of their abilities without fear of being judged by others.
Most of the counselors and staff have heart conditions and were campers themselves at one time. They can speak from their past hospitalizations, tests, surgeries and illnesses; and are proof that children with heart disease can become normal functioning adults. The Heart Camp Counselors become role models for the campers.
LilaRuby is honored to support the incredible work of Heart Camp.
Please use this link to learn more or donate: https://www.chp.edu/our-services/heart/for-patients-families/heart-camp